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##README: Rename file to "data" (no extension) and delete this line4 4.555 5.706 6.807 7.958 9.109 10.2010 11.3511 12.5012 13.6013 14.7514 15.9015 1716 18.1517 19.3018 20.4019 21.5520 22.7021 23.8022 24.9523 26.1024 27.2525 27.8026 28.9527 30.1028 31.2029 32.3530 33.5035 39.1540 44.8045 50.5050 55.6060 6770 78.3075 83.4580 89.1090 100.45100 111.25125 139150 166.85200 222.50
Eqtt vw wvm awtdm ug xchhtm?
in case of SCCM error 0x800700A1 do the following:diskpartlist disk (list all disks on system)select disk 0 (0 being the disk to setup)clean (wipes the disk)create partition primary (creates windows partition)select partition 1 (selects the first partition)format quick fs=NTFS (sets format of primary partition)assign letter C (assigns the drive letter to "C")exit (exits diskpart)
#!/bin/bashyum -y install httpdsystemctl enable httpdsystemctl start httpdhostname > /var/www/html/index.html
;Main.asm.386.model small,c ;This bit is important, I think..stack 1000h.datahello db "Hello world!",0.code;includelib libucrt.lib ;All this shit is already here if you have a C object fileincludelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib ;Except for this. Basically printf, puts etc;includelib libcmt.lib;includelib libvcruntime.lib ;Visual Studio exception handling and type checking. Not needed otherwiseextrn printf:near ;Extern everything you are gonna use from the c obj filesextrn plusTwo:nearextrn exit:nearpublic plusOne ;Have to declare it public for the linker to see it. In NASM, it's .globl or globalplusOne proc ;Our int plusOne(int) function.pop eax ;Parameters are stored on the stack.add eax, 1ret ;eax is whatever is returned from functions. Also why you can only return one thing.plusOne endppublic mainmain procpush offset hellocall printfpush 1call plusTwopush 0call exitmain endpend ;End of file, not program//bruh.c//#include <stdio.h> Has to be included with "includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib" in the asm file for some reason.//int printf(const char* format, ...);extern int plusOne(int); //Extern everything you are gonna use from the asm obj filesint plusTwo(int num) {return plusOne(plusOne(num)); //Plus one is defined in the assembly.}