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using System;class Yeet{public int value = 1;public override string ToString (){return value.ToString();}}class Bruh{public Yeet skeet;public override string ToString (){return skeet.ToString();}}class HelloWorld {static void Main() {Yeet yeet = new Yeet();Bruh bruh = new Bruh{ skeet = yeet };++(yeet.value);Console.WriteLine(yeet);Console.WriteLine(bruh);}}
public class King {fewf}
// C# program to implement// Luhn algorithmusing System;class GFG {// Returns true if given// card number is validstatic bool checkLuhn(String cardNo){int nDigits = cardNo.Length;int nSum = 0;bool isSecond = false;for (int i = nDigits - 1; i >= 0; i--){int d = cardNo[i] - '0';if (isSecond == true)d = d * 2;// We add two digits to handle// cases that make two digits// after doublingnSum += d / 10;nSum += d % 10;isSecond = !isSecond;}return (nSum % 10 == 0);}// Driver codestatic public void Main(){String cardNo = "79927398713";if (checkLuhn(cardNo))Console.WriteLine("This is a valid card");elseConsole.WriteLine("This is not a valid card");}}