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Jan 10, 2025alexandr.zaikin.9999-c10d

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Feb 25, 2025AustinLeath

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103 C
109 C
112 C
115 A B D E
118 B
118 B
121 B
203 A C D E
206 C
209 A
212 C
215 D
218 ?
221 A B C
225 B, OR A
302 C D
303 C
305 A,B
308 C
311 A B
314 B,D OR B,C
317 C
320 B
322 B
403 C
404 A
406 A C D E
409 C
217 NOT B
319 NOT B The traffic selectors do not include the source address.
202 C There is no route for a VPC peering (pcx-xxx) and only a local route in rtb-xxxxxx854
105 C Yes, AWS VPN-2 tunnels will come UP and EC2 can reach only a subset of the 120 unique prefixes.
117 A Peer A will delete the outgoing SA, while processing the Delete request from Peer B
222 B 2 DX PEs are launched and 1 Distinguished Endpoint.
408 C (((m1+m2)/60)*8)/1000000
214 B All of the time
304 MAYBE ONE OF C E - The customer has an ACL not allowing inbound traffic. / The customer has entered the wrong CGW address.
108 NOT A IKE Fragmentation will fragment both IKE_SA_INIT and IKE_AUTH message.
102 NOT C Sends Informational Message encrypted with the IKE SA, Informing the Peer to DELETE active Child SAs.
316 A The TS does not include the source address.
405 A Getafix had a single failed healthcheck to the PE.

x86 MASM C Linking

Jun 30, 2021LeifMessinger

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.model small,c ;This bit is important, I think.
.stack 1000h
hello db "Hello world!",0
;includelib libucrt.lib ;All this shit is already here if you have a C object file
includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib ;Except for this. Basically printf, puts etc
;includelib libcmt.lib
;includelib libvcruntime.lib ;Visual Studio exception handling and type checking. Not needed otherwise
extrn printf:near ;Extern everything you are gonna use from the c obj files
extrn plusTwo:near
extrn exit:near
public plusOne ;Have to declare it public for the linker to see it. In NASM, it's .globl or global
plusOne proc ;Our int plusOne(int) function.
pop eax ;Parameters are stored on the stack.
add eax, 1
ret ;eax is whatever is returned from functions. Also why you can only return one thing.
plusOne endp
public main
main proc
push offset hello
call printf
push 1
call plusTwo
push 0
call exit
main endp
end ;End of file, not program
//#include <stdio.h> Has to be included with "includelib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib" in the asm file for some reason.
//int printf(const char* format, ...);
extern int plusOne(int); //Extern everything you are gonna use from the asm obj files
int plusTwo(int num) {
return plusOne(plusOne(num)); //Plus one is defined in the assembly.

Message A - 2^3

Apr 14, 2021Daedalus

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Eqtt vw wvm awtdm ug xchhtm?

SCCM drive formatting

Nov 18, 2022AustinLeath

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in case of SCCM error 0x800700A1 do the following:
list disk (list all disks on system)
select disk 0 (0 being the disk to setup)
clean (wipes the disk)
create partition primary (creates windows partition)
select partition 1 (selects the first partition)
format quick fs=NTFS (sets format of primary partition)
assign letter C (assigns the drive letter to "C")
exit (exits diskpart)


Aug 7, 2024naiferomar366-60ef

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Mar 29, 2023Helper

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