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struct Beer {bottles: i32,}impl Beer {fn new() -> Beer {Beer { bottles: 99 }}fn take_one_down(&mut self) {self.bottles -= 1;}fn no_more(&self) -> bool {self.bottles == 0}fn go_to_the_store(&mut self) {self.bottles = 99;}fn to_string(&self) -> String {match self.bottles {0 => "No more bottles".to_string(), //Reaized this is incorrect because the N could be lowercase. But technically the comma in the beer song is incorrect because it separates two whole sentences and should be a comma1 => "1 bottle".to_string(),_ => format!("{} bottles", self.bottles),}}}fn main() {let mut bottles: Beer = Beer::new();let KEEP_GOING: bool = true;let FOREVER: bool = false;let MAX_LOOPS: i32 = 2;let mut int: i32 = 0;while FOREVER | (int < MAX_LOOPS){print!("{} of beer on the wall, ", bottles.to_string());println!("{} of beer.", bottles.to_string());if !bottles.no_more(){print!("Take one down, pass it around, ");bottles.take_one_down();println!("{} of beer on the wall.", bottles.to_string());println!();} else {print!("Go to the store and buy some more, ");bottles.go_to_the_store();println!("{} of beer on the wall.", bottles.to_string());if(!KEEP_GOING){break; //Comment this out to keep it going}else{println!();int += 1;}}}}
async fn encode_gif(frames: Vec<Frame>) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>> {fn output_frame(raw: &[u8], format: u8, delay: u32, index: usize, size: (u32, u32)) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {let b64 = general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(raw).into_bytes();let mut it = b64.chunks(4096).peekable();let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(b64.len() + it.len() * 50);let com = if index == 0 {"T"} else {"f"};if let Some(first) = it.next() {write!(buf,"{}_Gq=2,a={},z={},i=1,C=1,U=1,f={},s={},v={},m={};{}{}\\{}",START,com, // first frame must be static image datadelay,format,size.0,size.1,it.peek().is_some() as u8,unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(first) },ESCAPE,CLOSE)?;}while let Some(chunk) = it.next() {write!(buf,"{}_Gm={};{}{}\\{}",START,it.peek().is_some() as u8,unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(chunk) },ESCAPE,CLOSE)?;}write!(buf, "{}", CLOSE)?;Ok(buf)}let mut frame_buffer = Vec::new();// populate framebuffer for entire giffor (index, frame) in frames.into_iter().enumerate() {let size = frame.buffer().dimensions();fn delay_to_ms(delay: Delay) -> u32 {let (num, denom) = delay.numer_denom_ms();if denom == 0 { 0 } else { num / denom }}let delay_ms = delay_to_ms(frame.delay());let buf = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || match DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(frame.buffer().clone()) {DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(v) => output_frame(&v, 24, delay_ms, index, size),DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(v) => output_frame(&v, 32, delay_ms, index, size),v => output_frame(v.into_rgb8().as_raw(), 24, delay_ms, index, size),}).await?;if buf.is_ok() { frame_buffer.push(buf.unwrap()) }};// transmit our framebufferOk(frame_buffer)}fn animate(id: u32) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {let mut buf = Vec::new();write!(buf,"{}_Gq=2,a=a,s=2,i={}{}\\{}", // starts the animation for id=1START,id,ESCAPE,CLOSE)?;write!(buf, "{}", CLOSE)?;Ok(buf)}